Bird Feeder Garden

10-plant collection

Prairie Dock (Silphium terebinthinaceum) and Indigo Bunting


This 10-plant selection of natives will supply an abundance of food throughout the year for all of your favorite songbirds. **NOTE** Each "BIRD FEEDER GARDEN" contains (2) small trees or shrubs that produce berries and (8) perennials that produce seeds. If you would prefer to purchase only herbaceous perennials please let us know when ordering.  Selection of (2) small trees/shrubs and (8) perennials is based upon inventory at time of order. This garden will thrive in mostly sunny conditions with average soil moisture and will fill 30-50 square feet at maturity.

The price of the "BIRD FEEDER GARDEN" will vary from $60 - $94 depending on the size of containers available at time of order.

Below are some of the plants that MAY be in the "bird feeder Garden". composition is based upon current availability at time of order.

Blackhaw Viburnum

(Viburnum prunifolium)


(Sambucus canadensis)

American beauty berry

(Callicarpa americana)

Indian Cherry

(Rhamnus caroliniana)

Black Eyed Susan

(Rudbeckia hirta)

purple coneflower

(Echinacea purpurea)

texas green eyes

(Berlandiera texana)

prairie blazing star

(Liatris pycnostachya)

starry tickseed coreopsis

(Coreopsis pubescens)

aromatic aster

(Symphyotrichum oblongifolium)

Lance Leaf Coreopsis

(Coreopsis lanceolata)

ox-eye sunflower

(Heliopsis helianthoides)

rigid goldenrod

(Oligoneuron rigidum)

compass plant

(Silphium laciniatum)

golden glow

(Rudbeckia laciniata)

prairie dock

(Silphium terebinthinaceum)

Goldfinch Perches on Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea)