OZARK SOUL - produces and retails regional native plants of the Lower-Midwest/Ozarks region (Missouri and Arkansas). We are passionate about the use of native plants in all gardens and landscapes. We celebrate and promote their ecological function as well as their aesthetic beauty. OZARK SOUL is a traveling retailer bringing pre-orders and a shoppable inventory to a community near you! We do not opperate a retail store at our nursery.
Ozark Souloffers native plants grown from seed which have been responsibly collected throughout the Ozarks region of missouri and arkansas. By providing native plants for your gardens and landscapes we hope to connect you to nature and welcome you home.
What is a native plant? A native plant existed prior to European settlement. native plants are the building blocks for the food web. They support complex interactions and relationships among organisms within our natural communities. Simply put -- our native flora is the soul of the Ozarks.
Benefits of Native Plants video
Why choose Native plants
Native plants fuel our natural communities, adapt through climatic changes and thrive in a wide range of growing conditions. As our natural habitats disappear, using native plants in your gardens and landscapes will provide nectar, pollen, seeds and a home for our insects, birds and other animals.
The native plants, animals and insects with which we coexist are an important part to our sense of place. The sights, sounds, smells, tastes and feel of a native plant garden bring awareness and connection to our surrounding world -- such as, the sight and sound of a tree frog calling to attract a mate while grasping the stem of a purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) or a monarch nectaring on a marsh milkweed (Asclepias incarnata).
Planting natives can also help responsibly control storm-water runoff. The vast amount and size of many of our native species' root systems have the ability to retain and filter rain waters. The Ozarks have been blessed with an abundance of springs and rivers. The purity of these water resources should be of utmost concern looking towards the future.
By using native plants in the LANDSCAPE one can achieve a formal garden or a naturalistic wonderland. Let us help you choose the right plants for the right places around your home. Convert your sterile, song-less landscape into a vibrant, full-of-life experience.
Plant Natives for Life!
WHy choose native plants video
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